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Membership is open to all who are organists or organ aficionados.  Certification is not needed to become a member, although current members are encouraged to take those tests at any of the five levels available.

Trinity Episcopal Cathedral Rosales Organ. Photo by Matt Smith


Membership in the American Guild of Organists is mostly handled through our national offices at  Perks of a full national/chapter membership include special rates with partner companies, reduced rates for all conventions, access to the monthly The American Organist magazine, and all chapter perks described below.  Reduced rates are available for students and seniors; details on these two membership categories are available on the national site.  If you would like to become a member of more than one chapter, the membership link at will allow you to determine a primary chapter and then add any number of secondary chapters.  An email address is required to join at the national level, and all chapter officers are required to have a national membership.  Joining and renewing memberships are now handled using a new database system as of Fall, 2024.  First-time users of the new website must create a new account using your email address on file and creating a new password.


Anyone wishing to join just as a Chapter Friend must now only do so through the Portland Chapter.  Our national headquarters is no longer handling chapter-only memberships.  Perks of all chapter memberships include voting rights in chapter meetings, access and inclusion with our substitute lists, access to all chapter events (some may require payment), and chapter news; The American Organist magazine is not available to Chapter Friends.  Payment of the annual $35 dues plus any chapter donations can be made via either cheque or online securely with a debit/credit card or PayPal.


For all memberships, because of the implementation of the new national database, updating our substitute list is on hold.  The existing list is still in use.  We’ll notify Portland members when we have access again.


National membership


Chapter Friend membership


Questions?  Contact us at

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